Kansas Recovery Conference 2025

The Kansas Recovery Conference (KRC) gives individuals with mental illness a platform to engage in workshops and discussions covering addictions, recovery & wellness, and trauma informed care.

Peers are given the opportunity to connect, share their personal experiences, and support one another in their recovery from mental illness and/or dual diagnosis.

Attending Recovery Conference Audience

Kansas Recovery Conference Exhibitors

The Kansas Recovery Conference is a unique twoday gathering of hundreds of mental health consumers from across the state. Conference participants will come together to:

  • Learn about recovery
  • Meet others and hear their stories of recovery
  • Discuss how to inform and educate citizens about recovery
  • Be empowered through shared experiences

KRC Awards Ceremony

The Conference Awards Ceremony highlights the incredible work being done by peers across Kansas. The goal is to recognize providers or community champions supporting individuals in recovery from mental illness/dual diagnosis.

Event Information

Key Dates

  • Friday, February 2nd – Scholarship Applications Due
  • Friday, February 2nd – Workshop Proposals Due
  • Friday, April 5th – Award Nominations Due
  • Monday, May 6th – Early Bird Registration Ends

Kansas Recovery Conference

2025 Workshop Topics

Diversity & Cultural Competence

Developing an appreciation for diversity results in an ability to understand and effectively interact with different people. Being culturally competent includes being aware of one’s own worldview, having a positive attitude towards individuals who are different from us, learning about different cultural practices and worldviews, and developing cross-cultural skills.

Possible presentation topics could include:

  • Diversity issues
  • Cultural experiences and understanding
  • Rural/urban issues
  • Consumer outreach to minority groups
  • GLBTIQ (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex, questioning) issues
  • Effective methods for promoting inclusion

Systems Collaboration

Systems Transformation involves changing legislation, policy, practices, and community attitudes in ways that will benefit people with disabilities.

Possible presentation topics could include:

  • Certified Peer Specialist Services
  • Consumers as Providers
  • Consumer-operated services
  • Consumers as change agents
  • Evidence based practices
  • Education and training by and for peers
  • Peer advocates in health and human services
  • Participation on statewide committees
  • Building relationships among organizations


Leadership covers a wide range of activities including advocacy and activism.

We define these terms as:

  • Advocacy is the art of pleading or arguing in favor of a cause, idea or policy. 
  • Activism is an energetic action taken to obtain a specific goal.

Both advocacy and activism are keys to how consumers share their voices. Other possible subjects could include: self-advocacy, mutual support, promoting and protecting rights, leadership, committee membership, board of directors, legislative issues, advance directives, etc.

Talking About Trauma Informed Care

Trauma-informed care (TIC) is an approach to engaging people that acknowledges the almost universal experience of trauma in the lives of people seeking mental health care. More importantly, it helps eliminate the re-traumatization that can occur when seeking help.

Possible presentation topics could include:

  • Trauma informed practices
  • Understanding self-harm as a response to trauma
  • Self-help and peer support approaches to healing trauma

Recovery & Wellness

People with mental health diagnoses are two-and-a-half times more likely to have significant physical health problems than the general population. This can hinder recovery, negatively affect quality (and length) of life, and create financial difficulties. Recovery & Wellness workshops are designed to provide opportunities for attendees to explore methods of improving their well-being and overall quality of life.

Possible presentation topics could include:

  • Physical health issues,
  • Talking with your providers,
  • Holistic/alternative healing approaches,
  • Peer and mutual support in recovery,
  • Use of technology in wellness and communication,
  • Wellness tools and techniques such as arts and journaling, creativity

Addictions / Dual Diagnosis

This is a set of workshops focusing on addictions and mental health recovery. Our goal is to provide participants with the opportunities to gain a better understanding of living with a dual diagnosis and work toward long-term recovery.

Fighting Stigma & Discrimination

Overcoming mental illness is a two-sided act. On one side, consumers must overcome the symptoms, distress, and disability that result from the illness. On the other side, consumers must overcome public stigma that prevents them from equal opportunities in employment, housing, and health care. Stigma affects individual and public attitudes.

Possible presentation topics could include:

  • Anti-stigma initiatives
  • Public awareness /education strategies
  • Self-empowerment

Learn more about Kansas Recovery Conference 2025.

We’re here and ready to answer your questions! Please contact us and we’ll get back to you.